“Without darkness there cannot be light.” – Jason Guffy
I believe that we all have a sense of what its like to be lost in the darkness within us. But I also hold true that there is beauty and light in that darkness and bringing out that light and letting it shine is what my work is about. Deep within my darkness I found an outlet for my emotions and that is my art.
Jason Guffey is an image maker located in the fine suburbs of Atlanta, Ga.
Constantly learning the art of making images previously in a digital format, he has now moved on to the historic dry plate process in his ongoing quest to create.
Wandering lost in ideas and with no way to harness them in a way he saw fit, Jason began searching for a darker style photography outlet to express himself. Jason saw what he observed as the perfect images and expression.
Forming his own style and vision , Jason has found his voice resides within Dry Plate Tin type Photography. Testing himself with the art of photographic alchemy, he has fallen in love with the process and it remains his prime focus .